Required to perform from Day 1, project teams rarely have sufficient time to develop as an effective unit. Worse still, with the speed of mobilisation and stakeholder complexity teams can falter within weeks, impacting performance for the organisation.
The Project Academy creates bespoke team coaching interventions for project teams. Whether supporting the acceleration of team development or re-focussing a team that has lost its way, time critical interventions enable rapid turn-around.
Team dynamics play an enormous part in project success. With key training in team coaching from internationally renowned Ashridge Business School, our coaches are able to introduce independent, objective and insightful observations and interventions for teams. Our training in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) enables us to work with leaders and their teams to invigorate effective team culture. Our team coaching brings focus and increased awareness to accelerate team development.
True collaboration is tough and many teams fail to generate effective interdependence. Whether working across different functions, departments or organisations, it requires real skill to generate shared values and the right culture to truly collaborate. Our team utilises a combination of coaching interventions to build the aforementioned traits. Specialised psychometrics also provide vital insights into different personality styles – turning difference into strength.
Whether you are about to launch a new collaboration or wish to enhance effective working within an existing team, we design solutions with you that can span the entire project life-cycle.
Project Team Coaching benefits
For companies looking for coaching for their team on specific projects:
- Coaching helps give your workers a sense of support and progression within a business
- Giving your team the tools they need to help aid project progression
- Enhancing communication within staff to help identify areas that need attention/support from managers
- Can be a rapid turnaround for ‘doomed projects’
- Internationally renowned Ashbridge Business School coaches
- Encourages a healthier relationship of team culture between leaders and their employees