The Project Academy was approached to use its expertise in both project management and the water sector to review and propose enhancements to the capability of its projects community of around 40 professionals.
Our work started with engagement of their projects community through our unique PPM Capability Diagnostic process, allowing everybody in the community to contribute the future direction of PPM capability development. This was followed by undertaking a project skills assessment and personal development planning session with individual project professionals.
Following analysis of results and engaging senior management on recommendations, a second phase of work was delivered to build project leadership capability. We designed and delivered a 6-day multi module programme, configured to the needs of Yorkshire Water and accredited by the APM. The modules covered leading edge thinking in project leadership, with the three module themes covering: Leadership of Self, Leadership of Others and Leading in Project Management. The Academy introduced psychometric tools enabling participants to understand their strengths, cognitive style and potential leadership risks when collaborating.